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Dry Good
Surface Variety Pond Plant - SegrestFarms Small Animal Wholesale and Saltwater Fish Wholesale - Segrest Farms
Surface Variety Pond Plant
Common Name
Scientific Name
Salvinia Surface Plant Cupped Portion
Salvinia minima
Green Tiger Lotus Emergent Plant
Nymphea zenkeri
Azolla Floating Plant 1 lb
Azolla caroliniana
Azolla Floating Plant 1/4 lb
Azolla caroliniana
Duckweed Floating Plant 1 lb
Lemna minor
Duckweed Floating Plant 1/4 lb
Lemna minor
Dwarf Parrot's Feather Surface Plant
Myriophyllum sp.
Floating Heart Surface Plant
Nymphoides peltata
Frogbit Floating Plant
Limnobium spongia
Generic Lotus Tuber Emergent Plant
Nelumbo sp.
Green Tiger Lotus Emergent Plant
Nymphea zenkeri
Green Tiger Lotus Emergent Plant Bulb
Nymphea zenkeri
Ludwigia Sedioides Surface Plant
Ludwigia sedioides
Parrot's Feather Surface Plant
Myriophyllum aquaticum
Riccia Floating Plant 1 lb
Riccia fluitans
Riccia Floating Plant 1/4 lb
Riccia fluitans
Rosette Water Lettuce Floating Plant
Pistia sp.
Salvinia Floating Plant 1 lb
Salvinia minima
Salvinia Floating Plant 1/4 lb
Salvinia minima
Specialty Lotus Tuber
Nelumbo sp.
Variegated White Water Snowflake Surface Plant
Nymphoides indica
Water Lettuce Floating Plant
Pistia stratiotes
Water Poppy Surface Plant
Hydrocleys nymphoides
Water Sprite Surface Plant
Ceratopteris siliquosa
White Water Snowflake Surface Plant
Nymphoides indica
Yellow Water Snowflake Surface Plant
Nymphoides geminata
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