En Español

Desde 1961, Segrest Farms es el l�der en la industria de ventas de peces ornamentales al por mayor, suministrando sus productos a tiendas de mascotas, acuarios p�blicos y a instituciones de investigaci�n. Segrest Farms ofrece peces de alta calidad y una variedad sin igual de peces de agua dulce y peces tropicales de agua fr�a, especies de agua salada, plantas acu�ticas y reptiles. Todo con un apoyo de servicio al cliente y distribuci�n de primera clase, incluyendo acceso de 24/7 a su sitio web para hacer pedidos.

Segrest Farms is seeking qualified applicants for inside sales positions. view listing

Click here for the latest edition of our 'New & Unusual' newsletter for a closer look at some of the most exotic fish now available at Segrest Farms!

Click here to see what's 'New & Different' today

Dear Customers, For the safety of our customers and our employees, and to reduce any chance for possible transmission of Covid-19, we will be suspending walk-in orders until further notice. We will accept call-in orders for pick up. You can call an order in (Monday through Thursday) and have it packed for you. You will then be able to pick the order up the next day. We will not be able to add-on to the orders after they are packed. Thank you for your understanding, Segrest Farms

The State of Hawaii has recently published two draft environmental assessments (DEAs) for commercial aquarium fishing permits on the Island of Oahu and the Island of Hawaii. The open comment period to show support for the assessments that were had completed goes through May 8th.

Go Here To Send Your Comments!

Congratulations to Scott Down, Executive Director of Project Piaba, who has been nominated for the esteemed Indianapolis Zoo Indianapolis award which recognizes people who have accomplished substantial victories in working to help save and sustain wildlife populations and ecosystems.

Learn more about Project Piaba

The UK's Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association (OATA) has recently released a report examining the impacts and potential benefits of the ornamental fish trade on wild fish populations.

OATA Wild Caught Ornamental Fish Report

PIJAC Marine Ornamental Defense Fund seeks support to fight anti-aquarium legislation

PIJAC Marine

HR996 Proposes nationwide "white list" of allowed species, all others would be banned

story via Reef2Rainforest

New Research Indicates Marine Aquarium Trade Incentivizes Conservation of Wild Reefs

Full Article

Hawaiian ornamental fisheries face uncertain future

from Reef to Rainforest Media

Field Report: Belo Monte Dam on Rio Xingu

update from Amazonas Magazine

Clownfish vocalizations used to establish heirarchy and breeding status

From Advanced Aquarist

'Mega Dam' on Mekong moves forward despite international opposition

More info from Seriously Fish

New International Coral Research Facility opens in South Florida

Press Release and News

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